I think this might be long so I'm going to break it up in two parts
Eli's birth story can be found here at the top of it is a summary of Rowan's birth story too.
I'll start a few months back since I didn't blog too much during this pregnancy...
-32 weeks an ultrasound discovered I had a high amount of amniotic fluid (26) so they decided to watch that with weekly appointments including NST's and sonograms.
-33weeks fluid was 25.6. This is when I found out normal is 13-25 but usually goes down towards the end of pregnancy so even though I wasn't that high I was for how far along I was. I had a sono and NST and everything looked great.
-34weeks- just NST and appointment. Everything good.
-35weeks- Sonogram, NST, and appointment. Discovered Silas had flipped and was breech! Fluid was 29 Apparently extra fluid means lots of room to flip around. I was given excercises to do to try and get him to flip back and we discussed what would happen if he didn't turn.
-36weeks- Sonogram- he's head down again! yeah!! fluid- 27
-37weeks- a regular appointment! I didn't know what to do when I didn't have to spend over an hour at the hospital! ;)
-38weeks- I measured at only 39 so we think fluid went down!
-39weeks- measured at 44!! I had a sono to see if fluid went way up, it was only at 23 so probably just his positioning. Dialated 1-2cm
-40weeks-dialated to 3! Had membranes stripped. ouch!
-41weeks- NST, sono. fluid back up to 28. Still dialated to 3, got membranes stripped again.
So, this pregnancy I really wanted to go into labor on my own. I was induced with Rowan and Eli at 40weeks 6 days and I really wanted to know that my body could do this own it's own. A common problem with extra fluid is preterm labor so I hoped that maybe for me that could just mean I'd go into labor by 40 weeks.
Since I'd never gone into labor on my own I felt like a first time- would I know when it was time?? A [part of me thought my body still wouldnt go into labor and I'd end up induced. The hospital will only let you go to 42weeks usually.
On Wednesday, June 20th I had my membranes stripped at my appointment. Mike had taken that day off because the boys had to go to camp at Homer Lake. After the appointment I met my friend Sarah for lunch- Mexican- yum! I started to feel a little yucky towards the end of lunch and went home to nap before the boys came home. I had another appointment scheduled for that Friday that would also be a NST and sono. I knew we would set an inducion date then too. Since Eli's birthday was my 42weeks(the next Wednesday) I would either be induced that Monday or Tuesday. I tried to talk Mike into taking off the rest of the week since we knew he would be here by Tuesday but he had a lot to do. We did decide he would take off Friday and that would start his leave - it was always easier to have him watch the boys during my appointments and those long ones meant I could be there for a few hours. They were usually great about getting me in early but there was no guarantee. I finished packing my bag that night just in case. I had some cramps that night and was hoping to wake up in labor!
I woke up feeling fine :( The boys had swimming lessons so I had to actually get up and get dressed and get moving. I really started to hate all their activities towards the end of the summer- baseball for Rowan, swimming and Eco-camp for both. I got constant questions about when I was due and that last week most people were shocked that I was a week over due! I was pretty surprised how everyone just thinks being induced is the way to go....
I wore this dress almost daily at the end! I decided it was too much work for
pants or shorts. I loved the green dress in the pic above but it was too short for public!
So we go to swimming lessons and I talk to my friend Sarah about still being pregnant and the books I'd been reading I borrowed from her (50 Shades of Grey- great way to take your mind off not having a baby!) come back home and I fixed lunch. Then we started our usual afternoon routine- I layed on the couch and attempted to nap and they watch cartoons (it was really hot around this time too so no one wanted to be outside). When I woke up I was having mild contractions....
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