Friday, June 6, 2008

"I am really uncomfortable!"

This is what Mike said to me today after he loaded bags of sand for Rowan's sandbox into the car in the pouring rain. Apparently it was just too much for him to be all wet. Poor baby!! I told him (in not so friendly words) how bad I felt for him to be so uncomfortable, and reminded him he could change his wet clothes as soon as we got home- and then I looked down at my huge ever expanding belly that I must carry around 24/7!!! I didn't realize he also had sand on his hands and arms, aahhh!!! How could I complain when he is wet and sandy!


Quigs78 said...

LOL I threw that in my husband's face SO many times when I was pregnant (both times) whenever he would make any kind of comment about his body that even remotely sounded like a complaint.

Hell, I still throw it in his face whenever he complains about having to carry one of them for too long. "Yeah? I carried them for nine months - I think you can carry them for an hour!"

Amy said...

Any day now...