Tuesday, July 30, 2013


All summer Rowan's goal has been to go off the diving board at swimming lessons. First he had to improve his kicks, then get the arms down, and finally the breathing. Those arms took a lot of work but he finally got to do it today!!

Many many days he's finished lessons very upset because he hasn't got to do it. He was hoping he'd get to do it last week when Mike took them to lessons but he wasnt ready.

Today I saw him get out of his pool with the instructor and he had the biggest smile ever! I knew he was finally ready! There are two pools so they have to walk out by the parents to get to the one with the diving board. He wanted to make sure I'd watch him so I had assured him I'd go back there with him.

It was over so quick I couldn't even get a decent pic ! I guess it only takes a few seconds to jump off! ;) the 2nd time he went he totally struggled to start swimming for a few seconds I heard the instructors say they might need to get him but he got his legs and arms moving and started swimming. ( I should say he was not in danger and they would have jumped in. It was like 3 seconds which felt much much longer to me of course ;))

He is still so excited and proud and has talked about this all. Day. Long.
He said " this is the best thing that's ever happened to me in my whole life!" :)

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