Saturday, August 24, 2013

Last Sunday our cat Freddie had a kitten! Have I blogged about Freddie? She was a stray who showed up this spring not looking good. She was obviously in some kind of fight and had a bad scratch on her face and a serious wound by her eye. We are pretty sure she is blind in that eye now since kind of a blue- gray color all over.
We thought she was a boy at first- my guess since shed been in fights I assumed she was a tom cat. And then she started getting bigger and we figured out she was pregnant. Oops!

The boys were so excited about this and not happy when we said if there was more than one or two we couldn't keep them all. We started having her sleep in our laundry room so if she gave birth shed be safe inside. ( big step for me since I'm allergic to cats!) so we were pretty sure she was in labor.
When we got up Sunday morning there was one little copper colored kitten! So adorable!! The kids were so excited and Freddie was doing a good job taking care of her baby.
Monday morning things seemed a little off. The kitten wasnt as interested in nursing and Freddie didn't seem quite as motherly as she did at first. We also discovered the kitten had fleas so called the vet about that who said to treat the mom and try to comb them off the kitten. We had to go in town so were gone most of the morning and then I had class so mike came home with the kids. We bought the flea medicine and treated the mom but it was clear something wasnt right.
Mike was in there trying to get the kitten to nurse and the kids had just gone to bed when the kitten died :( we decided to get them up to tell them because they started school the next day and we didn't want to wait to long or tell them before school.
They cried and cried. Rowan took it the worst and cried until almost 11pm and then woke up at 2am and cried for another hour. His eyes were all puffy and tired the next day. They both slept on the floor of our room that night.
Freddie is getting better but seemed kind of lost the first days. Like she was constantly looking for her baby. It's kind of strange that she sits on our front porch a lot. She did that when she first showed up but for months has stuck to the back yard...
The boys named the kitten Coco Shiley. We decided it was a girl and Eli said " Shiley is a nice girls name" lol Rowan really thought she was a brown color so he liked coco. We made " coco" brownies to celebrate her life!
I went in and told Rowan's teacher about what happened in case he was upset or crying. Since it was the first day she didn't know him to know if that's just how he was.
Rowan still brings up how sad he is but not as much. They both drew pictures to bury with her but we decided to keep them because they were so nice. I also made a picture collage of the few pics we have and printer them each a copy. They loved this! Eli took the picture to school for show-n-tell- hopefully that's not too strange!
We were all really looking forward to watching the kitten grow up so we're all still pretty sad but we are glad that we still have Freddie!

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