Sunday, April 7, 2013


Busy day! And I'm sitting on the couch with a sleeping/nursing baby so why not blog?! ;)

The boys at art school at 9am and I was going car seat checks at the same time so I had to be dropped off early. Which means its been a long day!

I didn't volunteer last summer or fall for our local events cause I was really pregnant or had a newborn, so this is the first event I've done in quite a while. I forgot how much I like doing it. I thought about not re certifying next year since ill be busy with school but after today I know I will.

My mom asked me how many seats I checked were " wrong" and then she was confused when I said that I have NEVER checked a seat that didn't have something wrong. Either the seat isn't installed correctly ( which usually means not tight enough) or the child isn't properly buckled. She couldn't believe that! ( I should mention that she never listens to anything I say, I'm sure I've mentioned these things to her before...)
It's never that these parents don't care.. They're all trying and think they are doing everything correctly. I had two people who didn't even have the seat belt locked! They all left with safer kiddos and that's what matters! Just wish everyone would realize how important car seat safety is... And get help installing their seats!

I was also happy to see so many kids past 1 year still rear facing! Yeah!! :)

After art school Mike took the boys to Ready, Set, Grow ( the event my car seat checks were part of) it's aimed towards of young kids with lots of kids activities and some characters were there! There was a chance to win an iPad so of course my kids were very upset that we left without getting one... :/ they seemed to have fun though and Mike survived all that time alone with 3 kids without me ;)

Silas is working on his 5th tooth- 2 bottom and 3 on top. And he's been napping even worse than before. He's so fussy and wants to be held constantly. The house is a wreck cause I can't get anything done. I finally put him on my back in a carrier today to get the living room clean but I'm still kind of limited. Hoping tomorrow is better and I can clean this place!

I'm taking a chemistry class this summer ( online hopefully) and I had to take a math assessment test the other day. It only took 20 mins and I was quite impressed that I still know my math! Of course I thought I did horrible but got way above what I actually needed. Kind of getting excited to go back to school ( eeek!) in a I'm also terrified kind of way. Aren't I too old for this?!

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